Mistakes to Avoid During Child Custody Battle

Divorce, no matter how amicable, is almost always painful for both parties. When children are involved, it can get messy. Children often get caught in the middle of custody battles. If you find yourself locked in a fierce child custody battle, you want to make sure you are doing the best you can for your children – and sometimes, you need help with that. A private investigator can help resolve things. Here are some things you should avoid during a child custody battle and how the right private investigator can help you.

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What to Look Out for in Custody Battle

There are some things you can do to increase the chance that a child custody battle will end in your favor:

  1. Be on your best behavior: This means not getting arrested for any reason. Even a traffic ticket can look bad in court.
  2. Obey all temporary court orders: Often while the custody battle is ongoing, the court will issue temporary orders which govern where the children will stay and the rights of both parents. It’s important to obey all the court’s instructions.
  3. Be careful on social media: Don’t use social media to vent your frustrations about the other parent, their attorney, the judge, etc. These posts are open to the public and can easily be used against you.
  4. Keep your opinions about your ex to yourself: Bad-mouthing your ex in front of your children will make you seem unstable – and not the person the judge wants to place your children with.
  5. Don’t react: No matter how bad your spouse’s behavior is, don’t counter with the bad behavior of your own.

Of course, even if you follow all these rules, your spouse may still try to manipulate the custody proceedings with lies and false accusations.

Why it’s Important to Be Careful and Hire the Right PI for Custody Battle

The best weapon in a dirty custody battle is the truth. You should know the truth behind the situation in your ex’s home, as well as fight back against their accusations. The right private investigator can help you with this. Their methods should include surveillance, background checks, and witness statements. J. P. Investigative Group in Charlotte, North Carolina, will help you gather the evidence you need for a custody battle. Their staff includes former government and law enforcement investigators. Contact them today to schedule a consultation!

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