Being Proactive During a Private Investigation of Cohabitation

couple in secret cohabitation

Cohabitation investigations are useful in many different situations. In many post-divorce settlements, alimony becomes an often expensive court ordered arrangement. However, cohabitation can affect or terminate the amount of alimony your former spouse receives. Additionally, if your ex-partner lives with an individual who poses a risk to your child, a cohabitation investigation can affect the […]

Top Signs Cohabitation May Be Occurring

cohabitating couple watching tv with popcorn

Cohabitation is a term used to refer to a living situation where two people live together, but are not married. In the case of divorced individuals, cohabitation is a scenario that could negate the need for alimony payments. But the party receiving these payments is not likely to admit to the cohabitation. How do you […]

How Not To Let a Cohabitation Investigation Backfire

However, in some cases, a cohabitation investigation may backfire. Below, we discuss how you can prevent this from happening, as well as the benefits of hiring a professional should you want a thorough investigation. Hire A Private Investigator to Prove Cohabitation Potential Repercussions of a Cohabitation Investigation Before you hire a professional, you should know […]

Proving Cohabitation: Tips to Confirm an Ex Is Cohabitating

Divorcing a spouse has become almost an American cliche: court proceedings, the splitting of property, and negotiations over child visitation. Oftentimes in this process, Courts will award alimony or spousal support to a former spouse who has been given primary responsibilities over the couple’s children. At the same time, and what many people don’t know, […]

Why Proving Cohabitation Can Help Your Alimony Dispute

If you suspect your former spouse may be cohabitating with someone, you have a right to get to the bottom of it. After all, his or her living situation directly correlates with the amount of alimony you are ordered to pay in accordance with your divorce agreement. If you are able to prove that your […]

How to Prove Cohabitation: Advice From a Cohabitation Investigator

If you are paying alimony to your former spouse to help with rent or mortgage, you have a right to know whether he or she is cohabitating with someone. After all, you’re not obligated to pay for a new boyfriend or girlfriend living under your ex’s roof! Many aspects of your divorce agreement, including alimony […]
